I love your cats’ names. Why are they named what the are and who chose the names.

Your grandfather, Papa ( Haynes) and my mother are siblings. Because of this Mamie is my cousin, your mom and Uncle Sky are my cousins, and you and Harriet are my cousins. My daughters, and grandson, Miles are also your cousins. My name is Anne Robinette, and your Mamie is my cousin, and bestie! We grew up together and had the best time. My brother is Sam.

Miles, my grandson, lives in Raleigh and his mother( your cousin, Beth Robinette, works at NC State like your mom. Miles and I love to take nature walks together. Last week when I visited him, he had found a bunch of tadpoles in the creek behind his house which he had scooped up with a net and put in a tank. We both love watching them change every day little by little.

I am so excited about Frog Trouble Times. I can’t wait to tell Miles about it next time I see him!

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