The past few weeks, since Cotham flipped, have involved removal of basic rights of, and commitments to, the majority of people in our state. This has been accomplished with surgical precision—an overnight rollout of a 46 page bill, bypassing debate, presented for vote the next day, dressed up as “protection.” With the anti-woman health care legislation, several other pieces of legislation and this SO important educational bill, we will see long standing harm to hundreds of thousands of North Carolinians. With stripping public schools of their desperately needed funds and the legal and moral morass created by the abortion legislation and limitations, we’ll see fewer businesses, fewer teachers, fewer doctors and nurses coming to NC, and more going to friendlier, more citizen-oriented states. Businesses and professionals considering coming to, or staying in, NC will be far less likely to do so now. This is the Bathroom Billl on steroids for any industry thinking bill of coming to NC. Who would bring their business here for their employee’s children to have such anemic funding in public schools? Who would come if their female employees couldn’t get basic health care here?
These bills—and a list of others, ranging from denying care to transitioning kids to requiring multiple unnecessary visits to doctors for care that was safely administered over Zoom during the Pandemic——are inhumane and serve no cause other than to lionize some candidate’s conservative credentials.
These bills disguise their basic power and money-grab in terms like “freedom,” “fairness,” “choice,” “saving lives,” “safety.”and “God.” They strip their own pubic schools and institutions and young people of resources and safety, to give thise to those who need them least.
Yes, we all need to raise our voices, and we need to do whatever we can to help our small town and rural colleagues flip their electorates Blue over the next two years, in addition to all we can to help them NOW!
Yes! A really good point about not wanting to bring your business somewhere your female employees can't get healthcare. And your post reminds me how ten years ago Ken Abbott and I were doing work in a public school in southeastern NC and over the course of one school year the AP English class had three different teachers, because they kept losing teachers to South Carolina, which paid something like 15K better a year.
The past few weeks, since Cotham flipped, have involved removal of basic rights of, and commitments to, the majority of people in our state. This has been accomplished with surgical precision—an overnight rollout of a 46 page bill, bypassing debate, presented for vote the next day, dressed up as “protection.” With the anti-woman health care legislation, several other pieces of legislation and this SO important educational bill, we will see long standing harm to hundreds of thousands of North Carolinians. With stripping public schools of their desperately needed funds and the legal and moral morass created by the abortion legislation and limitations, we’ll see fewer businesses, fewer teachers, fewer doctors and nurses coming to NC, and more going to friendlier, more citizen-oriented states. Businesses and professionals considering coming to, or staying in, NC will be far less likely to do so now. This is the Bathroom Billl on steroids for any industry thinking bill of coming to NC. Who would bring their business here for their employee’s children to have such anemic funding in public schools? Who would come if their female employees couldn’t get basic health care here?
These bills—and a list of others, ranging from denying care to transitioning kids to requiring multiple unnecessary visits to doctors for care that was safely administered over Zoom during the Pandemic——are inhumane and serve no cause other than to lionize some candidate’s conservative credentials.
These bills disguise their basic power and money-grab in terms like “freedom,” “fairness,” “choice,” “saving lives,” “safety.”and “God.” They strip their own pubic schools and institutions and young people of resources and safety, to give thise to those who need them least.
Yes, we all need to raise our voices, and we need to do whatever we can to help our small town and rural colleagues flip their electorates Blue over the next two years, in addition to all we can to help them NOW!
Yes! A really good point about not wanting to bring your business somewhere your female employees can't get healthcare. And your post reminds me how ten years ago Ken Abbott and I were doing work in a public school in southeastern NC and over the course of one school year the AP English class had three different teachers, because they kept losing teachers to South Carolina, which paid something like 15K better a year.
The beautiful photograph of the bubble
floating in the trees is the perfect illustration for your powerful inspiring post
Congratulations to all the graduates
love Mamie
Some other links to things you can do to support public schools in NC: and