
How does your garden grow whoops! Can’t remember the rest cockle shells and pretty maids all in a row!

Your garden is a work of art! A complete masterpiece!

And your political activism is infectious and inspiring

And as always Frog Trouble Times is inspiring too! Love from Mamie and Gramps

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Delightful post. Hardworking. The garden is lush and gorgeous. Congratulations. Thank you for all the work you are doing on getting out the vote and writing about getting out the vote. :) And, thank you for the kittens. They are sooooocuuuuute!

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As usual, I'm blown away by your effort and enthusiasm toward making a better, more sustainable world for you and your family. My family also had a garden while I was growing up and I remember having as part of my chores each day pulling weeds! And I've also signed up to work the polls on 4 days, handing out that paper that tells Democrat voters who on the ballot is the best choice. So excited!

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