Feb 2, 2022Liked by Belle Boggs & Beatrice Allen

I used to love to jump rope when I was a child, and a younger adult. Finger knitting looks really cool, too. I know you can master double Dutch; keep us posted. As I was reading today’s article I thought it was your mother speaking, and I couldn’t believe she could jump 100 times without tripping! I was feeling pretty bad about myself because I think I can jump about 5 jumps. 😂 When I thought she was going to take up double Dutch, I was thinking, “I knew she was quite strong and fit but she is good enough to think about learning double Dutch?!!! Oh my stars!!!” I had to check and make sure it was your mom speaking, and not you. I was laughing so hard when I realized it was you! My love to all of you!! Thanks for the wonderful info and giving me a good laugh.

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Anne, there are soooo many reasons I can't jump one hundred times! LOL. xo -Belle

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i meant to say Charlie Horse and Jesse James! they both really enjoyed your post ,Bea! we love you

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wow!!! Bea ! Great Post! with love from Charlie Jorse and Jesse James!!!😍

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I love this- I never heard of finger knitting!! Go Bea!! xo

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Bea’s jump rope was fabulous!! She amazes me everyday!!

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